Byond Natural Beauty Bar


We're excited to announce we are opening our first Beauty Bar for all your natural beauty needs. Byond Natural is an all natural hair, skin and nail studio using only high quality, natural, organic and holistic products in servicing our clients. Schedule your appointment today! 470-246-5794 or email at

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Private studio, more customized service

2011 has been full of wonderful changes for me personally and for Byond Natural.  As of June 1st my clients will be served in a custom designed, private, hair & scalp therapy studio.  My new studio will allow my clients to receive their services in a relaxing, jazz filled atmosphere, and will give my clients with hair & scalp issues the privacy they deserve.  Last but certainly not least, my new studio will allow me the flexibility to minister to my clients needs as the Lord leads. 

With the end of the school year comes the beginning of busy summer schedules for moms.  Don't forget to make time to pamper yourself and to prepare your hair and scalp for the hot Georgia summer.  The summer is no time to skimp on hair care.  Sun damage, excess salt on the scalp from prespiration, the drying out of color-treated hair and excessive drying from overwearing braids all require consistent care throughout the summer.

Call today to schedule your appointment!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is Your Hair Ready for Spring & Summer? Let Byond Natural @ Salon Mone't Be the Judge of That.

I'm so ready for spring!  I'm ready for daily sunshine, warm spring breezes and watching my yard explode with color.  I'm ready for open windows, walking barefoot to the mailbox and cooking out on my deck with family and friends.  I'm ready for entertaining the ones I love and spending time with my children (letting them run me ragged and loving every minute of it).  I'm ready for date nights with my husband wearing sundresses and sandles.  As you can see, I'm really ready for spring!

Is your hair ready?  Winter is such a drying time for hair and its just as important to continue your hair care routine in spring and summer as it is in fall and winter.  Spring and summer bring sun exposure and possibly damage, chlorine exposure, the ever damaging "daily ponytail" and the potentially hair stressing braids.  You wouldn't slack on your skin care during the warm months so please don't slack on your hair care.

Byond Natural @ Salon Mone't can provide you with all the therapies you need during the warm months to prevent sun exposure damage, chlorine damage and preserve your hairline while wearing braided styles.  It's just as important during warm months to continue to get steam therapy and deep moisturizing therapy.  Before going on vacation, be sure to get your deep moisture therapy and upon your return get a deep cellular therapy.

Byond Natural offers all natural, organic, holistic therapies specifically for the care of your hair.  Most of our therapies are custom created and have been formulated to reach deep into the hair shaft to bring extra moisture, strength and protection.

We're not hair as usual.................we're Byond Natural
The place to come when you're serious about holistic hair & scalp therapy.

"After four years of no price increases, we have recently raised the pricing on a few of our service offerings.  These increases reflect the high-end, high quality products we use in our services and therapies and our increased overhead cost." 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Healthy Hair is a Process.......Begin Now.

Winter can be brutal on the hair.  The dry air and wind outdoors and heat indoors can dry the hair out mercilessly.  Now is the time to begin to remoisturize and strengthen the hair at the cellular level.  Contact us now to schedule your appointment to prepare your hair for the Spring and Summer, when the sun can bleach the hair and the salt from your scalp sweating can dry the scalp out.  Deep moisturization at the cellular level penetrates all layers of the hair shaft and leaves your hair soft, smooth and elastic and the scalp ultra moisturized.  Byond Natural is a multicultural studio, call today for your appointment!

Your Hair Care is an Investment in Your Hair and Scalp Health....You Get What You Pay For.

Taking proper care of your hair and scalp is a worth while investment in your health.  Its important that healthcare and haircare go hand-in-hand.  As much as great product helps to enhance your hair, nothing can compensate for poor health habits.

The average person is malnourished in the daily requirements of essential vitamins and minerals.  The average daily water consumption is 24oz, well below the minimum 64oz needed or the ideal 128oz daily.  Most people bring their jobs home with them and worse, the stress of the job.  I don't know many people that get the 8-9 hours of sleep we need at night for proper cell regeneration.  Our schedules are jam packed, yet we rarely allow time to just do nothing.  Last but certainly not least, we often cheat ourselves looking cheap services that we pay a greater price for in the long run. 

Your skin and scalp absorb "EVERYTHING" applied to it.  Yes, EVERYTHING!  This is why its so important to understand the value of using quality products and not skimping on services because you're trying to pay the cheapest price.  If your hair care professional is using high-end products, they seek to give you high-end results.  But you can't expect high-end products when you're not willing to pay for it.  Many quality salon conditioning treatments can range from $100-$500 and your hair and scalp reap the benefit and they feel awesome.  These types of treatments have lasting results and use the absolute best ingredients.  They also can cost your hair care professional hundreds of dollars to keep on hand.  For those of us that are committed to quality, natural, eco-friendly hair care the costs are substantial because it takes time and effort to research the best products and then test those products to ensure they do what they say they will do.  These are things that most clients understand, but don't always make the connection between pricing, expense and their expectations.  I haven't even mentioned the expense of salon space rental.

I've been natural for 22 years and I love for my hair to look, feel and be healthly, but that can only happen when I invest in my haircare.  This is also what I encourage my clients to do.  Your scalp has specific requirements and if you decide to use all natural treatments you are now relying on your natural hair culturist to know chemical compounds of the products or essential oils they are using and to know how and why a natural product have to always remember, you get what you pay for.  Choose quality.  Yes it will cost more, but in the long run you reap all of the benefits.  A natural hair culturist that has taken the time to purchase the latest steaming equipment or UV therapy understands the value of those items for their clients overall hair and scalp care.  You want the best for your body....................get the best for your hair.

Remember, cheaper isn't always the best savings.  You truly do get what you pay for.

Be blessed and a blessing!